We were so impressed by the speed and efficiency of Signal Surveys. Excellent delivery meant we were able to meet our own deadlines earlier than scheduled

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About us

Signal Surveys Limited provides a traffic and transportation data collection and presentation service. The undertaking of traffic count surveys is our core business for which we have considerable expertise in surveys undertaken and in data collection techniques.

Signal Surveys has been established since 2001 during which time we have grown steadily through providing a competitive and quality traffic data collection service. Prior to setting up the company, the Directors benefited from extensive experience of traffic and transportation planning working for a number of UK based consultants. As such, the Directors are qualified transport planning professionals, having considerable transport planning and traffic engineering experience.

Over the past three years we have been instructed on over 250 commissions in any given year, the majority being traffic count surveys. This can range from simple turning counts to complex highway networks. For the majority of manual traffic counts we use video survey techniques. The company operates over 50 video survey systems including high mast systems, although for some projects we use supervised on-site enumerators. Our supervisors are highly experienced and site and video survey enumerators well trained.

  • Directors of the Company are qualified traffic engineers and transport planners with substantial industry experience;
  • As such we understand our clients' needs and can assist in survey design to produce the most effective means of collecting data;
  • We employ highly experienced survey supervisors and well trained enumerators;
  • Use is made of the state of the art technology in terms of surveillance equipment and data analysis software;
  • Data is analysed and presented for ease of utilisation and to bespoke client requirements.

Some examples of recent projects include:

  • Swindon - Fully classified 12 hour count of 30 separate junctions to assist their creation of a Paramics model for Swindon town centre;
  • Reading - Fully classified counts and queue lengths at 10 junctions including signalised motorway junctions;
  • North Yorkshire - Origin and destination and journey time surveys with associated manual classified traffic counts. A total of 7 two-way cordon sites were assessed in conjunction with counts and queues at 10 junctions and three journey time routes with all data collected simultaneously;
  • Merseyside Waste Facilities - Fully classified 12 hour counts and queue length surveys at 15 junctions, including 7 major motorway and trunk road junctions;
  • M42 Junctions 5 and 6 - Origin/destination between these junctions, traffic counts and speeds per lane plus merge/diverge counts at 8 locations.
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